Web based game application developed with Unity Engine
3D map created and processed on the IC Blockchain
All online game mechanics governed by smart contracts for security
Secure inventory items and unique characters created and stored on blockchain
Authentic Internet Identity and token balance
Steel Bridge Software was selected in 2022 to receive a grant from the DFinity Foundation, a not-for-profit organization based in Zurich, Switzerland, that built the Internet Computer blockchain.
“The goal of this program is to catalyze growth of the Internet Computer ecosystem and make the Internet Computer accessible and approachable to more developers around the world by providing support to promising developers and teams.
Currently working on completing the final milestone, the goal for this project is to build a game called Zraham, a multiplayer roleplaying game that runs on the IC blockchain network, where every player move and interaction is governed by smart contracts, and NFT items are utilized for security. The game system works alongside NFTAnvil and other groups in the ecosystem.
Zraham is a city built in a post-apocolyptic wasteland. The people of Zraham still have some of the technology of The Last Age, but are limited in resources. Factions control territories, and remain at war as they fight for control and to preserve their way of life. Each district has representation in The Zraham Council, which is struggling to create stability.
The new population is just a fraction of what it once was, and ruins spread out along the city’s vast landscape.
Travel is dangerous, but there are still treasures undiscovered, many buried under the rubble.
City of Zraham
Our team has reached it's first milestone, demonstrating how data can be passed through the IC blockchain to and from Unity to create a secure game map.
Different types of grid units are recognized, and a map is constructed in Unity with appropriate 3D models to create a visualization of a map that is recognizable and controlled by smart contracts.
first milestone

Let’s take a look at how this works…
Unity integration and visualization
All 3D models, animations, and effects are created in Unity, and data is passed back and forth with smart contracts.
Game Updates are sent continuously to Unity where they are converted and used to construct a 3D environment based on the data.
Requests are also made from Unity, and data is sent back to the smart contracts to be verified.

Our team has reached the second milestone. Some of the goals met…
✓ A UI around the game for auxiliary tasks like authenticating with Internet Identity, displaying NFT inventory items that can be accessed in game, and bought, sold, traded, and minted through various sites like NFTanvil and Badbot.ninja
✓ A fog of war system that reveals and conceals avatars as they are within range of a player. This calculated with on-chain occlusion culling data depending on what smart contracts allow them to see. This prevents cheaters from seeing others that are out of their range.
✓ A third-person camera that players can move around and zoom. Walls that are detected between the player’s avatar and the camera are hidden
Second milestone

There are many functioning game systems already in place that are being integrated with the blockchain foundation.
Character creator with character attributes, backstory, and shape sliders
Equipment and Inventory drag and drop system
AI navigation and path-finding around obstacles
Fog of War that conceals and reveals avatars and items
Combat meter and player interaction